Jerlyn Elsisura

Jerlyn Elsisura

A micro-entrepreneur client of Surigao Economic Development and Microfinance, Inc. (SEDMFI) for nine (9) years, Jerlyn Elsisura, 36 years old, a mother of two and a resident of Sabang, Surigao City hustles day-to-day living through her direct selling and sari-sari store business along with her husband to provide for the family and to diligently meet her weekly financial obligation with the institution.


For several years, having no sanitation facility of their own has long been a dilemma for the family which forced them to share a toilet with her parents-in-law. Every time there is a necessity to use one, they found it exceedingly challenging and inconvenient especially at night, since they needed to cross the street and walk for about a distance of 200 meters from their house.


Thanks to the WASH Loan Program of SEDMFI, that upon knowing such information from her Credit Officer, Jerlyn was able to avail of the said load program despite of her family’s meagre income, which was never considered as a hindrance to apply for a Php 10,000 worth of loan, intended to construct and realize her family’s dream of having their own toilet facility.


In which, convenience and accessibility are but only few of the advantages of having an improved sanitation and she is forever grateful to have come across such a project. Indeed, she is now happy and immensely proud of their newly built toilet.