Rowena Sanitao Sombilon

Rowena Sanitao Sombilon

“In my six years of membership with Serviamus Foundation, it never crossed my mind that one day I can avail of a loan for building my own toilet”.

Said, Rowena Sanitao Sombilon, a 40-year-old micro-entrepreneur, a wife, and a mother of four (4). Hailing from Tonggo, Buruan, Iligan City, she and her family spent their life without a toilet facility of their own, as having such was the least priority. This is the reason why every time they needed to use one, they just take refuge on a dense forest at the back of their house, which served as an available option though advertently risking her family’s health, comfort, and security.


Thanks to her Business Development Specialist from Serviamus Foundation, Inc., in which being a qualified member, she was offered to avail of a Php 25,000 loan payable for nine (9) months. After smoothly going through the application process, her loan was granted and then proceeds with the construction of the toilet and septic tank sometime in December 2019.


Mrs. Sombilon recalls the hardship they have gone through having no toilet especially for her children. Now, she is incredibly happy that finally, her family can experience the comfort and convenience brought by the toilet facility which the WASH Loan Program of Serviamus Foundation, Inc. has made possible.