Arsenia Ocmayon

Arsenia Ocmayon

“We were really struggling”.


This is how Arsenia Ocmayon from Mampayag, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon would describe their family’s situation before she availed of BINHI’s WASH Loan Program. Everything they do would seem difficult. From the moment the sun rises until it sets down, the usual household tasks that should come off as handy seemed such a huge struggle for the family because of the inconvenience of not having a proper sanitation facility at home.


But when Arsenia came across WASH loan program from BINHI, she then knew things will never be the same anymore as for her family especially for her children who have always yearned in transforming their once dilapidated toilet facility into a better and decent one. Either on a sunny morning or a dull afternoon, the idea of not having a decent toilet would always disturb them whenever their friends and guests would visit them. “My children got very ecstatic upon knowing that our toilet facility will be renovated through that loan. We no longer get ashamed whenever visitors would use our toilet room.” She added.


Arsenia borrowed an amount of P8000.00 which she paid weekly for one year. She used it to purchase renovation supplies such as concrete hollow blocks and other necessary materials needed for the construction of the facility.


When asked about how WASH program has made an impact into their lives, Arsenia just cheerfully mentioned that her family was overwhelmed, they couldn’t believe it happened. “They are very happy. WASH Loan helped us immensely in improving our life.” She said.


It may just be one simple transformation for someone else, but for Arsenia’s whole family, it was a life changing experience that they will always celebrate. Now, they have all the reason to get up every day in a light spirit and calm mind. There is nothing to worry about people visiting them in their home or using a toilet anytime of the day.


The smell of every nook of their home has gone as they walk past the restored toilet facility. Looking back, what used to be a struggling situation for Arsenia and her family is now just a trip down memory lane which they wouldn’t want to play back any longer.